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Alyson Noel Alyson Noel


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Unfortunately, Alyson can no longer respond to emails or snail mail, since her quest to respond to all she received began to impact the time she had to write books. If you wish to ask her a question, she is more likely to answer if you post it to one of her social networking sites. So catch up with all of Alyson's latest news using the buttons below!

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Journalists, publicity, and event requests:
Journalists, librarians, or event organizers who would like to schedule an interview, speaking engagement, or school or library event with Alyson, please contact Jeanette Marie.

Blog interview requests:
If you would like to request a blog interview, please contact Jeanette Marie.

Rights inquiries:
If you have a publication or dramatic rights question, please contact my agent Elizabeth Bewley.


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